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European Union : Support to EU working group 2B on Integrated River Basin Management "IRBM" 2003 - 2004

In order to to continue the European work on the definition of the conditions for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, four working groups were created in 2003.

France was to jointly chair the IRBM (Integrated River Basin Management) Group with Spain.

Within the Common Implementation Strategy to further develop guidance documents on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, IOWater provided technical support to the French Water Directorate for following-up this Working Group: constitutive meeting in Paris on 10 and 11 March, plenary meeting in Barcelona on 2 and 3 July 2003.

The assistance included:
- participation in the plenary sessions of the WG
- methodological support
- comments on the mandates of the Drafting Groups
- participation in the Drafting Groups on the economic aspects and measurement programmes.

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