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The SDAGE of the Martinique 1998

The Basin Committee and the Intercommunity Syndicate of the Centre and South of the Martinique (SICSM), in liaison with the DIREN and the Loire-Brittany Water Agency, requested the assistance of the International Office for Water (IOWater) with the launching of a reflection on the SDAGE formulation phases.


The approach was the following :

Preparation of an inventory:

This document includes a set of sheets summarising the general situation of the Martinique.
It is an attractive and educational summarised document featuring 12 topical sheets:
-    Sheets 1 to 3: water-related regulations / water stakeholders in the Martinique / tools for water management and financial aid
-    Sheets 4 to 11: the Martinique’s characteristics / natural hazards / management of the resource/ uses / urban areas and sanitation / agricultural and industrial pollution / water quality / the protection of aquatic ecosystems
-    Sheet 12: assessments
Five additional sets of sheets were drawn up to put forward the specific problems arising in the 5 hydrogeographical units identified by the SDAGE.

Organisation of a seminar addressing the Basin Committee members:

It was organised in Fort-de-France from 30 November to 2 December 1998, in the Regional hall, and gathered more than 100 people per day: representatives of the different stakeholders in the island’s water sector.
The seminar proceeded as follows:
-    plenary sessions with lectures (reminder of the regulatory principles and existing tools in the water sector, the status of water management in the Martinique),
-    workshops on the following topics: better sharing of responsibilities, contracts for better water management, environment and pollution, resources and uses, water price,
-    an exhibition which illustrated the water uses in the Martinique and the role of the different stakeholders.

Organisation of decentralised information sessions

Five decentralised sessions, one for each hydrographic unit of the island, were carried out in 1999 to involve all the local stakeholders in the SDAGE formulation.

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