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"Documents on water and biodiversity": the documentary portal opens to biodiversity


The documentary portal "Technical documents on water", opened since 2009, was intended to provide unified access to all public documents related to water and aquatic environments.


Since 2016 and the adoption of the Law for the Recovery of Biodiversity, water policy has taken a new turn in the environmental landscape.

The documentary portal, aware of the associated issues, is opening up to biodiversity and changes its name to "Documents on Water and Biodiversity".


His web address becomes:


This national portal, managed by the International Office for Water (IOWater) with the support of the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB), gives access to documents on water, aquatic environments and biodiversity.

Many documents are available: reports on studies, research, activity, technical notes and summaries, proceedings of congresses, seminars, theses, etc.


The portal is constantly supplied with documents produced or collected by contributors, numbering 24 in 2017.


It offers in parallel many services and products:


  •      document search: simple, advanced or cartographic;
  •      functionalities as stored queries, alerts on messaging, export of bibliographic records, etc.;
  •      a personalized space;
  •      a documentary selection: the presentation of documents at the request of the contributors;
  •      "Zoom on": thematic files composed of reports and documents of the portal and related to a topical subject;
  •      a "top of the consultations": the 25 most consulted documents per month.


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