Stakeholders in vocational training on aquatic environments
Historically, IOWater centralized, in an internal database, the short continuing professional training courses on aquatic environments in France. This work, which began in 2011, was carried out via training courses on the Web but also through training catalogues not available online. This work was accompanied by a study aiming at defining a panorama of the training courses on aquatic environments in France.
In order to meet the users’ expectations to obtain a centralized offer of short professional training courses on aquatic environments in France, the database was then transcribed in the form of a portal: formapr' It officially opened in early 2015
Who are the stakeholders involved ?
The Formapr'eau Portal is addressed to training organizations (operators) wishing to communicate on the short vocational training courses provided on aquatic environments in the broad sense. It also addresses all those looking for training on this topic in France. Thus Formapr'eau seeks to bring together, through a single access, the stakeholders in training on aquatic environments (offers from operators and requests for training of trainees).
Formapr'eau also participates in the networking of training centers in France via exchanges and discussions which are often initiated during the Steering Committees of Formapr'eau
What is IOWater doing ?
IOWater has created and facilitated the Formapr'eau portal ( through the integration and updating of training courses, through communication on the Portal (sending information flash). IOWater also plays a strong role in networking the stakeholders in short continuing training in France (example: facilitation and organization of Formapr'eau steering committees). IOWater, with the financial support of the National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments (ONEMA, now AFB), has thus initiated the networking of the most important national training centers.
Finally, the search for new operators likely to join Formapr'eau is carried out regularly. The number of training courses available online thus rises regularly and offers an increasingly wide choice for training on aquatic environments in France. Note that the Portal Formapr'eau, also allows organizing joint events by training organizations. The networking of training operators on aquatic environments is therefore facilitated by the existence of Formapr'eau and by the facilitation of the Portal by IOWater.
Start date | End date | Title of the project | Continent | Country | Country |
2015 | Formapr'eau | Europe, France | France | FR |