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European Topic CentRE ON Water: Organising data related to "EUROWATERNET-Emissions"

The Topic Centre on Water was set up in 1995 by the European Environment Agency (EEA).


It covers 31 European countries and is producing reliable and comparable information for the decision-makers and the public.

In some of its areas of responsibility it entrusts "Topic Centres" to collect and organise data and produce environmental indicators and evaluations for its own needs.

IOWater has been member of the European Topic Centre on Water (ETC/WTR) since 1995.

Eurowaternet and Waterbase

The Topic Centre has designed a European network for water monitoring: EUROWATERNET. It helps the member States to progressively develop this network.

The WATERBASE database gathers the data issued from this network and will provide access to the public on the Web.

Eurowaternet emissions

Within this framework, IOWater is defining a method for collecting and organising the data called "EUROWATERNET- Emissions". It aims at retrieving the information on the polluting emissions of all kinds into water, requested by the new Water Framework Directive.

In order to demonstrate its feasibility, IOWater created a database including the data on emissions available in different countries covered by the EEA. It currently gathers 100,000 emission data concerning 3,000 geographic areas.

A test is also under way to determine whether the data available in the pilot basins, which are testing the "pressure and impact" aspects for the Framework Directive, may enable the meeting of the needs of the Directive and also of the EEA.

The positive results of this work enable us to hope for the "EUROWATERNET-Emissions" sustainability, with the publication of a guide for the collection and implementation of a yearly data collection in all the EEA countries.

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