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Peru : National Water Authority (ANA)

In recent years, the National Water Authority (ANA) has developed an ambitious river basin management policy, supported since late 2012 by a new method for calculating fees for water use and wastewater discharge.
As part of a project funded by the World Bank and then by the Artois-Picardy Water Agency, IOWater advised “ANA” for the implementation of these financial mechanisms.
Thus, pragmatic elements were proposed for the implementation of the user-pays and polluter-pays principles: How to calculate fees ("economic fees")? What economic basis to justify them to future taxpayers?
The amounts levied at national level thus increased by over 100% between 2012 and 2014.
However this method for calculating fees remains perfectible and should be extended to a wider range of uses. Especially, adjustments are now needed to answer the following questions: What destination for the levied amounts? In which financial circuits and what are the eligibility criteria?
For such a purpose IOWater will provide in 2016, with support from the Artois Picardy Water Agency, assistance to “ANA” for answering these new questions.

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