SITWA: for better knowledge management
Updated : 16/02/2013
The “Strengthening Institutions for Transboundary Water Management in Africa” (SITWA) project aims to strengthen regional cooperation at the political, economic and stakeholder level for sustainable management of transboundary water resources in Africa contributing to peace and security, stability and poverty alleviation. This Project, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Global Water Partnership (GWPO) with ANBO Technical Secretariat taken care of by the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS), is organized in two phases: an inception phase and an implementation phase which will start in 2014 for the capacity building of African River Basin Organizations. During the inception phase, OIWater and INBO experts were called to assess the needs and identify priority actions for SITWA/ANBO support services in relation with Information, Knowledge management and Communication. The final results of this study were presented during a validation workshop organized in Addis Abeba in October 2013.