Support the definition of a "Knowledge Management action plan" aiming to reinforce Transboundary water management in Africa (project SITWA)
The project " Strengthening institutions for transboundary water management in Africa" (SITWA) aims to strengthen regional cooperation in political, economic and stakeholder level for the sustainable management of transboundary water resources in Africa , thus contributing to the peace and security, stability and poverty reduction .
This project is implemented by the Global Water Partnership (GWPO), in partnership with the Technical Secretariat of the African Network of Basin Organization (ANBO) and is organized in two phases: A launching phase and an implementation phase starting in 2014.
During the launching phase, experts and IOW were asked to assess the needs and identify priority actions for support services to strengthen the ANBO and African Basin Organizations capacities in developing, knowledge management and communication.
The results of this study were presented at a validation workshop held in Addis Ababa in October 2013. After a description of the services that the project could provide in the field of " knowledge management " , a comprehensive action plan on this theme was proposed and adopted by the management team SITWA project and then ncorporated in the program approved by the Steering Committee of the SITWA project.
Consequently, the implementation of the following three main steps related to " data management and knowledge" is planned in the coming years :
1 - Development of the ANBO/ African Water Information System Internet platform and definition of the main procedures for the exchange of metadata , data and information;
2 - Support for the exchange of information for the production of the Pan-African and regional level;
3 - Strengthen tools and procedures of information systems and data exchange in two transboundary basins to be selected in collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities concerned ( eg ECOWAS) .