WSP/Consultant Services for the Development of the WatSan Platform for Rapid Development and Hosting of Country Water and Sanitation Internet Portals (Senegal/Uganda)
Without robust and performing Sector Information and Monitoring Systems (SIMS), investment planning and resource allocation on a rational, transparent and equitable basis are problematic.
Therefore in response to various african country demands, the "Water and Sanitation Program" (WSP) financed by the World Bank has commissioned the regional WatSan Initiative to strengthen in-country SIMS.
The main objective is to implement a platform for the rapid development and free hosting of country Internet portals on water and sanitation.
These WatSan portals feature the latest functionalities to be tailored to each specific country needs. They complement the existing national databases which aree used as a data sources.
The WatSan Portals will be effective participatory tools for information dissemination in the water and sanitation sector which aim at improving:
- Governance and decision-making at all levels (central/ local government, village level)
- Monitoring of rural and semi-urban water schemes and installations
- Efficiency and effectiveness of resource allocation.
The first phase of the project consisted to develop and implement Watsan on the first 2 pilot countries: Uganda and Senegal.
EaudeWeb and Imedia manage the development part and customisation of the portal tools.
OIEau was incharge of developing the Watsan database structure, and supporting the countries in integrating and developing into Watsan the existing data files on the inventories, the characteristics of the infrastructures and the national or local statistics related to drinking water and sanitation.