Feasibility study for a Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water Sector (EMWIS)
Within the framework of the Barcelona declaration in 1995, the Euro-Mediterranean Conference, which took place in Marseilles in November 1996, emphasized that all partners countries need an in-depth knowledge regarding stakeholders, tools and documentation available, techniques and methods used, programmes and research results, training opportunities, etc.
As a result of this conference, it was decided to study the implementation of an information system which, through the use of modern communication methods, would allow the networking of pre-existing sources : EMWIS (Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water Sector).
The final outputs of this study, supervised by the Water Directorate of the French Ministry of the Environment and carried out by the International Office for Water, were approved in Naples (Italy) in December 1997, during a conference gathering the Water Managers and the main operators involved in this project in the 27 countries concerned by Euro-Mediterranean agreements.
International water related information system feasibility study, with:
- Coordination of an International working group on information systems (10 countries)
- Analysis of information required on the topics defined by the Euro-Mediterranean conference
- Coordination of organizational and technical proposal definition (roles, functionalities, data flows …)
- International conference (27 countries) with aproval of the proposals by all the National water Directors and by the EU representatives of :
. The overall principles of EMWIS ;
. The general organization of EMWIS ;
. A programme of activities for the first 3 years ;
. A global budget corresponding to the first 3 years of activity.