Twinning Romania 1998 - RO 98/IB EN 01 (a)
The institutional Phare Twinning project RO98/IB-EN04 between the Romanian and the French government was developed to strengthen the capacity of water authorities and allow the integration of the "acquis communautaire" applied to water related EU directives in the Romanian legal tools and administrative procedures.
Led by IOWater, a component related to water information systems, aimed to reinforce the water data collecting and exchanging procedures, according to the Commission and the European Agency of Environment information requirements including in particular an analysis of the existing situation and foreseeable evolutions resulting from recent institutional reforms.
Exchange of experience on organisational and technical procedure on water related data management for European Directives, with:
- A first analysis of the main Romanian legislative and institutional elements to be taken into consideration in the Romanian context with regard to the organisation of water data management.
- Identification of the main producers, managers and users of data on water resources management in Romania;
- First analysis, in a global way, of the current information flows as well as of the main information needs to be covered in a near future.
- Presentation of the French experience in data management to representative of various Romanian institutions (workshop gathering 15 persons);
- Presentation of recommendations related to water data management in order to facilitate the production of the information required in various European directives.