Euro-Med Strategic Platform for a Suitable Waste Management - MED-3R
Euro-Mediterranean Strategic Platform for a Suitable Waste Management - MED3R" is a strategic project of the ENPI CBC MED Programme for the priority "Waste treatment and recycling". It aims to strengthen governance and reinforce the participation of public authorities, socioeconomic actors and local residents to improve the efficiency of urban waste management systems in a virtuous circle adapted to local contexts.. It contributes to the reduction of waste in the Mediterranean using the triple concept 3R "Recycle to extend the products lifespan, Reduce the production of waste, Reemploy waste".
The 8 partner cities have been supported to develop or improve their waste management plans taking into account environmental, economic, geographic and social aspects, based on the prevention of waste generation, sorting, recovery, and the awareness and participation of local populations. These plans aim to reduce management costs and increase recovery rates, adapt unsuitable equipment, eliminate illegal dumping and extend the life of landfills.
13 pilot actions on 6 topics have been implemented locally and led to evaluations of their operational efficiency and suitability to local conditions ; they included training courses, sharing of best practices and the creation of awareness and communication campaigns.
As a result of the project, new services, new management methods and more efficient tools were provided to the cities. The platform MED-3R has become an operational reference tool to apply and adapt waste management innovations in the Mediterranean.
Name of Associate Firms :
Nice-Riviera Metropolis, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice Cote d’Azur, Municipalities of Genoa, Hyères, Sfax, Sousse, Blat and Jbeil-Byblos and Aqaba, Ea eco-entreprises, University of Genoa, EMWIS, ASEZA, ANGed, IPEIS.
IOWater was responsible for the following activities in the project:
• Capitalisation experiences on past experiences related to the pilot projects
• Support to the partners for the implementation of their pilot projects through specific expertise
• Preparation of technical cards on specific topics, drying, composting
• Implementation of trainings to improve waste management for the Cities involved in the project
• Preparing a vademecum of innovation and lessons learnt for transfer to other territories and municipalities,