Reform Policies
The whole public services sector is under reform in Mali. The main public utility is ENERGIE DU MALI (EDM) a so called private company, owned (87.5%) by the Government of Mali (GoM).
Phase one: different reform policies identification and appraisal in the energy and water services sector. OIEau was in charge of technical water service identification and appraisal.
1.National water policy (regulation, planning, policy enforcement) in Mali is 100% under control in the whole rural and urban sectors; strong capacities are present;
2.The main institutional action should be clarification and improvement between financial institutions and operators; contracted commitments should have to be clarified;
3.Decisions makers would take advantage of a stronger care of subscribers ; all the more as higher service prices are foreseen: water policy can not remain only on EDM prices;
4.The most promising way is the local authorities’ one; following the National decentralisation policy promotion.