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Burkina Faso - Support for the implementation of IWRM - Nakanbé Basin

Long title: 
Burkina Faso - Support for the implementation of IWRM - Nakanbé Basin
Burkina Faso
Clarification on the localization: 
Nakanbé Basin - Nakanbé Water Agency Competency Area. Ziniare, Burkina Faso
Name of client/Beneficiary: 
Nakanbé Water Agency, Burkina Faso (l'Agence de l'Eau du Nakanbé, AEN)
Start Date : 
January, 2012
Completion Date : 
August, 2022
Funding organisation: 
Agence de l'eau Loire-Bretagne (AELB)
Name of Associated partners if any: 
Agence de l'Eau Loire Bretagne
Description of the project: 

OiEau has been providing institutional and technical support to the Nakanbé Water Agency (AEN) since 2011, with funding and technical support from the Loire-Brittany Water Agency. The project takes place in two-year phases successively.

The areas of cooperation include

  • Consolidating IWRM governance and planning
  • Improving water data management
  • Strengthening sustainable financing mechanisms
  • Organising meetings and study visits in Burkina Faso and France
  • Providing an expert on site to coordinate and support the activities.

Priority is given especially to the support of the Master Plan for Water Development and Management (SDAGE) of the Nakanbé Water Agency Competency Area. Through capacity building and technical assistance, support is transversal focused on the SDAGE area issues; hydrological modelling and data valorisation tools, capacity building of the AEN and its authorities (Basin Committee, Board of Directors, Local Water Committees), experience sharing in coordination with the West African sub-regional level, synergy of actions and reinforcement of the stakeholders' networks on the scale of the Massili-Ziga SAGE.

Description of services provided by IOW: 

The project is targeted on three fundamental pillars to support the IWRM approach in the Nakanbé basin:

  • Consolidation of water governance (Basin Committee and Local Water Committees), and planning tools (Nakanbé SDAGE and Massili-Ziga priority SAGE)
  • Improvement of water data management at basin and national levels
  • Study and implementation of sustainable financing mechanisms adapted to the basin context
  • Synergy of actions and reinforcement of stakeholder networks on the scale of the Massili-Ziga priority SAGE.

The objective is the operationalisation and effective implementation of these pillars through a territorial approach.

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