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Ivory Coast -IWRM Project - Phase 1

Long title: 
Integrated Water Ressource Management Project - Ivory Coast - Phase 1
Côte d’Ivoire
Clarification on the localization: 
The Bandama River basin is a non-transboundary catchment area of Côte d'Ivoire, covering an area of 97,500km2. The Bandama River which is 1050km long, has its source in the north of the country and flows into the Atlantic Ocean at the Grand Lahou lagoon system. The project applies to the Bandama upstream catchment basin, more precisely upstream of Kossou Lake, an area that includes a series of dams for water supply aimed for human consumption as well as for agricultural and industrial activities.
Name of client/Beneficiary: 
The Directorate for the Protection and Development of Water Resources - Ministry of Water and Forests (MINEF) - Republic
Start Date : 
October, 2020
Completion Date : 
June, 2022
Funding organisation: 
Agence de l’eau Loire-Bretagne (AELB)
Description of the project: 

The first phase of the institutional support project for the implementation of IWRM in the upstream Bandama pilot basin is based on three main components:

  • Support the participatory development process of a "Water Development and Management Scheme" - SAGE type document - relying on ad hoc governance
  • Ensure feedback from the project (identification of legal, institutional and financial improvements advisable for the rolling-out of the tested practices)
  • Capitalise on the experience in a transversal way to the national level (inter-ministerial workshops and courses at the level of the pilot basin and in Abidjan to disseminate IWRM experiences)

Four key "pillars" of IWRM will be the subject of further work in the scope of the cooperation project, at the pilot scale upstream of the Bandama and at the national scale:

- Improving governance and consultation processes between stakeholders
- Consolidation of planning mechanisms and tools
- Sustainable financing mechanisms for IWRM
- Management and organisation of water data

Description of services provided by IOW: 

OiEau's technical assistance to the Ministry of Water and Forests will propose, in particular, support for:

1. Water knowledge management:
- Inventory and collection of water data;
- Development of an information system for IWRM which is geo-referenced and accessible online;

2. Analysis of governance and proposal for recommendations at the level of the upstream Bandama basin:
- Analysis of the legal and institutional framework, stakeholders mapping in the basin
- Establishment of a Local Water Commission to support the planning process
- Preparation for the creation of a River Basin Committee at the upstream Bandama level, as a prelude to the implementation of a Bandama Water Agency.

3. Support for the planning process, for the elaboration of a "Water Development and Management Scheme" type document

- Clear identification of the perimeter for a "SAGE

- Support for the participatory diagnosis process to draw up an inventory of the basin

- Support for the production of the SAGE (work programme, schedule, budget, identification of donors, etc.)

4. Sustainable financing mechanisms for IWRM

- Analysis of potential funding sources for a future action plan

- Critical analysis of the texts governing the implementation of the user-pays and polluter-pays principles

- Synergy with decentralised cooperation projects to encourage the development of solidarity projects on the upstream Bandama.

en cours

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