Evaluation of the National Programme for irrigation water saving (1995-2015) : PAPS-EAU Lot N°2
This project aimed at evaluating the efficiency of the National Programme for irrigation water (NPIWS) saving since 1995, and at analyzing the financial and economic profitability of the subsidies granted to the farmers and their impact at the scale of the farm and community.
It focused on 7 governorates: Jendouba, Kairouan, Kasserine, Monastir, Nabeul, Sfax, Sidi Bou Zid.
It was implemented in partnership with the General Direction of Rural Engineering and Water exploitation, and with the Bureau of planning and hydraulics balance from the Ministry of Agriculture.
The International Office for Water provided the Project manager position, and in this respect, ensured: the project planning, team coordination, methodological choices, reporting and exchanges with the Client. It was also involved in the surveys and in their analysis.
The main results included:
1. A diagnosis as regards the realization of water saving projects and irrigation efficiency: evolution of equipped areas, kinds of equipment, performance, quality of the studies carried out…
2. Evaluation of the impact of the NPIWS upon the farming intensification and the modernization of farming systems: yield, farming techniques, irrigated areas…
3. Evaluation of irrigation water valorization at the farm scale : costs of equipment, water consumption, value of the production, setup of technical and economic forms
4. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the NPIWS at the national scale: evolution and distribution of the investments and subsidies, benefits
5. Identification of the constraints and failures that hampered the achievement of the expected results, their possible evolution and the required means to tackle them; internal and external factors of the farming organizations, required conditions for the sustainability of the systems