Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management
The general objective of the project is to provide a support for the improvement of the governance and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Morocco. More precisely to strengthen the institutional, organizational and technical capacities of the Ministry in Charge of Water in this field.
The project is organized around the three following axis:
1- Analysis of legal and institutional gap between EU benchmark and Morocco
2- Support River Basin Management Plan preparation on the Sebou pilot basin
3- Development of a National Plan of convergence toward the EU acquis in the water sector
R1 : - Complete the analysis of legal and institutional gap between the Kingdom of Morocco and EU in the domain of the integrated management of the water resources
R2 : Training on all steps of the preparation of river basin management plan applied on the pilot basin and based on the transposition of the WFD in the context of the Kingdom of Morocco:
- Elaboration of methodological guide adapted to the pilot basin condition and disseminated to the 9 basin authorities
- Proposal of action plan integrating an economic analysis for implementation
- Support for the development of mechanism of shared management of data for the continuous improvement of management plans
- Support for the improvement of the monitoring program of surfaces water and groundwater and supervision of anthropic pressures (industrials, agricultural and domestic sectors)
R3 : Action plan for a convergence toward the EU acquis in the water sector including a reinforced inter-ministerial coordination