Cameroun - Incubation d'un projet d' adaptation bassin de la Sanaga
Specific objectives :
The incubation aims at providing technical and institutional support to the Ministry responsible for water
to develop the three following themes:
* Production of a summary of the current state of knowledge concerning global changes impacts
on water resources (quantity and quality) in the Sanaga river basin;
* Local stakeholders having been identified beforehand, development of strategies for adapting to
the climate change impacts in the Sanaga river basin and set-up of an adaptation project previously
selected amongst several ones identified.
* The achievement of nationally defined objectives for the implementation of IWRM mechanisms
in the Sanaga river basin, particularly with the different water users involvement.
Operational objectives :
* Inventory and diagnosis of the climate impacts on water management and aquatic environments
* Identification of project holders
* Supporting stakeholders in setting up and financing projects
- Result indicators :
* Writing of inventory documents / diagnostics
* List of identified stakeholders
* Number of projects submitted to finance climate and other donors