CEDEAO - Infrastructure Dialogue è Dialogue on infrastructure projects in the Water Sector - ¨Phase 1and 2
The study on the Consultation on infrastructure projects in the water sector in the ECOWAS area aimed at providing recommendations to revitalize or establish mechanisms of consultation, dialogue effective around large hydraulic infrastructures of West Africa. This work required evaluating the mechanisms currently implemented by the management bodies of water resources: for what purpose, for any target, with what results.
Phase 1 wasto:
- Identify key existing and planned projects on the territory of ECOWAS,
- Examine the consultation mechanisms established at the transboundary basin organizations level,
- Analyze the decision process on a sample of books that will be determined with basin organizations and Member States,
- Make recommendations on consultation mechanisms.
Phase 2 aimed at establishing a prioritized list of projects of major hydraulic infrastructures that emerge as priorities, as having a significant impact on regional integration.
This list iwas to be drawn from a multi-criteria analysis conducted on a list of projects of new large water infrastructures.
Phase 1:
- Establishment of a panel of experts (TOR);
- Support to the Committee of Experts;
- Animation of consultation meetings.
Phase 2:
- Establishment of a list of criteria;
- Establishment of a basic list of projects to prioritize (new works);
- Multi-criteria analysis;
- Proposal of a priority list of projects; review and debate at a regional workshop.