The InterAgências Project - Exchanges and Cooperation between Brazilian and French Water Agencies - is a cooperation programme that aims to provide technical support to AGEVAP and the PCJ Basin Agency in the field of integrated water resource management in the hydrographic basins of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí rivers, Paraíba do Sul rivers, Guandu, da Guarda and Guandu Mirim rivers, Guanabara Bay and Ilha Grande Bay.
Almost 25 years after the 1997 Brazilian Water Act, the main goal of the project is to contribute to consolidating the governance of existing basin organisations in Brazil, in particular federal river basin agencies and committees.
This cooperation programme between Brazilian and French water agencies aims to provide technical support to the two pioneering water agencies in Brazil: to provide relevant expertise to managers and executives responsible for integrated water resources management as well as drought and flood prevention, and to contribute to climate change adaptation.
Indirect beneficiaries will be federal agencies, mainly the National Water Agency (ANA); "federal" basin committees (CEIVAP, Comitês PCJ); the sub-basin committees of Paraíba do Sul (CBH Médio Paraíba do Sul, Comitê Piabanha, CBH Rio Dois Rios, CBH Baixo Paraiba do Sul e Itabapoana, CBH Paraíba do Sul - Trecho Paulista, Comitê dos Afluentes Mineiros do Preto e Paraibuna, Comitê dos Afluentes Mineiros do Pomba e Muriaé, Comitê do Guandu); coastal basin committees (Comitê Guandu, CBG, CBIG); local stakeholders on site: administrators (moderators) and persons responsible for actions on the territory as well as stakeholders and moderators of payment projects for environmental services.
According to the cooperation agreement signed on 6 November 2019, the technical cooperation and experience sharing covers the following areas:
- Institutional organization (functioning of the Basin Committees and the Water Agencies and their institutional relations, interdependent basins linkages and capacity-building of the Water Resources Management System stakeholders);
- Basin plans (water security, process for the development and implementation of plans, project management units and mobilising agents);
- Monitoring and information system for decision making (basin observatories, collaboration between partners and institutional integration);
- Sustainable financing (financing and pricing tools for water use);
- Other cooperation actions to be agreed upon.
In the specified fields, the following actions will be scheduled: i) exchanges of experiences as well as information and training initiatives on subjects of common interest; (ii) technical missions to Brazil and France