Madagascar - Water and Climate Incubation for Africa
Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change impacts. Project holders are proposing effective adaptation solutions (capacity and knowledge building, adaptation strategy and action plan, governance and adequate financing, nature-based solutions, etc.). However, they encounter difficulties in securing financing: access to climate funds (Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, specialised financing from bilateral and multilateral development agencies) requires a project development process that is complex and specific to climate finance. It is therefore necessary to support stakeholders in setting up their adaptation projects.
The incubation will contribute to the "20 Water and Climate Projects of the French Water Agencies for Africa" initiative, which is an ambitious contribution to the Paris Agreement on Climate as well as to the fulfilment of the commitment made by the President of the French Republic during the first "One Planet Summit" (12 December 2017, Paris): to ensure in 5 years the setting up of "100 water and climate projects for Africa" in the framework of the Global Water and Climate Alliances Incubation Platform (GWCA).
The incubation will enable to identify projects, partners and stakeholders, and to support them in the process of designing and maturing their projects.
The primary project objective during the incubation process is to support the development of agroecological practices in rural communities upstream of Itasy Lake, for the recovery of degraded ecosystems and the sustainable development of agricultural and forestry sectors. The project will then be able to contribute to a sustainable food securization for populations and increase in household and farmer’s income.
As part of the project incubation process, the services provided by OiEau are as follows:
1. Contextualisation: assessment of scientific knowledge on climate change in the territory. This upstream technical phase precisely describes the context of the territories of each incubated project (institutional and geographical dimension), identifies the difficulties and constraints linked to the implementation of the projects.
2. A bankable project fiche, which will be submitted to a relevant Climate Finance funder.
3. A list of investments required for adaptation in the identified territory. These investments will be sized, costed and their projected impacts will be described. The project holders (project owner, maintenance and upkeep) will be identified and involved from the identification stage.
A communication process and a project valorisation calendar (events, communication in national, regional and international events) as a contribution to the implementation of the "20 Water and Climate Projects of the French Water Agencies for Africa" initiative and the French presidential commitment made during the "One Planet Summit”.