Mauritania and ECOWAS Countries - Dialogue on Infrastructures that have a transboundary impact – Phase 1
In order to provide the ECOWAS - Water Resources Coordination Unit (WRCU) with recommendations for stimulating or creating efficient concertation and consultation mechanisms on main hydraulic works of Western Africa, this study has been assessing the mechanisms presently operated by the water resources managing bodies and providing recommendations for improving practises (aims, targets, results). Global objective was to provide dialogue tools, to be used by Transboundary River Basin Organisations when preparing their investments plans.
- realise on the field enquiries, in order to identify main hydraulic works – either existing or at the planning stage - that have transboundary impacts within ECOWAS countries;
- examine existing consultation mechanisms at the level of basin organizations;
- analyse decision-making processes through a selection of works which has been validated by basin organizations and member Countries;
- draft recommendations for consulting mechanisms.
- assist the task force and the steering committee implemented for the project.