PAPS EAU- Lot 1 : Support to the water resources management public policies for the urban and rural development
IOWater participated to this programme within the joint-venture Louis Berger/OIEau/SCET/ CCM Consulting, led by Louis Berger.
The main goal of the project was to contribute to:
• a better consideration of water resources protection issues
• a better consideration of water demand management, in an integrated manner
More specifically, the objectives of the project were to:
• strengthen the capacities of the Office of hydraulic balance and planning (BPEH)
• strengthen the technical skills of the key stakeholders within the Ministry of Agriculture
• contribute to the improvement of strategic approaches and intervention modalities of the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment upon key-topics : water resources management, water management at the parcel scale, fight against water pollution
A long term expert was mobilized during a period of 2 years and 8 months. He was in charge of the capacity building regarding IWRM for the main stakeholders of the project, i.e. all the entities under the responsibility of the Ministries of Environment and of Agriculture. He organized and coordinated all the training and communication activities of the project, including the mobilization of many short-term experts in all the needed topics.
The services provided consisted in:
• Elaboration of training plans focused on the integrated and sustainable management of water resources, aiming at strengthening the competencies of staff from Ministries involved in water management.
• Training and transfer of skills in the field of Communication, notably through the realization of a communication strategy and a communication campaign for SONEDE (national water supply operator) and AVFA (national training agency in the field of agriculture)
• Dissemination during seminaries targeting private experts and staff from Regional Commissariats for Agricultural Development
Short term experts mobilized by IOWater also contributed to the preparation of descriptive cards in the fields of flood prevention and management and water police for future international “twinning” projec