Peru - Support for the implementation of integrated water resources management in Peru
The progress achieved during the previous phases of the cooperation programme with the National Water Authority (NWA) of Peru (support to the definition and then implementation of the national scheme of water charges, training and experience sharing for IWRM) was appropriated by our Peruvian partners.
They wished to maintain links and actions especially about strategic themes in full development in the specific context of Peru and the legal competences of the NWA.
Topics addressed: governance, legal and institutional organization; training; data management and information systems; management plans for basins and hydrographic regions integrating the necessary adaptation to climate change; sustainable financing of actions at basin level, especially mechanisms for user and discharges.
The support provided by the Artois-Picardy Water Agency and the synergies developed with the "Modernization of Water Resources Management" Project allow consolidating the support provided by the International Office for Water.
Missions are organized at the central level (Lima) of the NWA and are still planned at the level of the deconcentrated services in order to strengthen dialogue and actions on the Quilca-Chile (Pacific slope) and the activities target new contexts, especially in the Amazonian river basin (Urubamba Vilcanoto).
Technical assistance; international missions for training, experience sharing between basin practitioners.