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SEMIDE/EMWIS: EdiCitNet - Edible Cities Network

Long title: 
Edible Cities Network – Integrating Edible City Solutions for social, resilient and sustainably productive cities
Start Date : 
September, 2018
Completion Date : 
August, 2023
Funding organisation: 
Union Européenne
Description of the project: 

EdiCitNet is demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions (NBS) in cities for inclusive urban regeneration, addressing societal challenges such as mass urbanization, social inequality and climate change. Compared to NBS Edible City Solutions are going one step further: We include the whole chain of urban food production, distribution and utilisation for inclusive urban regeneration and address societal challenges such as mass urbanisation, social inequality and climate change and resource protection in cities. The main objectives are

  • Paradigm shift towards re-use oriented, cross-sectoral management of natural resources in cities,
  • Social cohesion, to enhance human health and wellbeing,
  • Improving overall ecosystem services,
  • Growth in local green economy, creating new and sustainable businesses and jobs,
  • Measurable and truly systemic improvement in participating Front Runner Cities and Follower Cities far beyond the consortium

The project is integrate 5 front runner cities (Rotterdam (Netherlands), Andernach (Germany), Oslo (Norway), Havana (Cuba), Heidelberg (Germany)) and 8 follower cities (Berlin (Germany), Sant de Feliu de Llobregat (Spain), Sempeter pri Gorici (Slowenia), Letchworth (UK), Montevideo (Uruguay), Carthage (Tunisia), Lomé (Togo), Suzhou (China)).

The focus is on urban productive landscapes including wide range of urban farming, building integrated farming, agro-forestry, aquaculture, biomass production for energy among other productive and ornamental purposes and services combined with closed loop systems for sustainable water, nutrient and waste management.


Description of services provided by IOW: 

Among the tools and support to be developed, SEMIDE is contributing to

* the ECS serious game, with a review to existing tools and indcator calculation

* promotional workshops organisation,

* training activities,

* monitoring and evaluation related to water isssues.

* contributions to public policies

en cours

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