Strengthening the institutional capacity of the ministry of housing and municipal economy of Ukraine to streamline the water services management at municipal level
IOWater led this Twinning Project in partnership with Bulgaria, with contributions from both experts from IOWater and external experts from French water administration ( the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, ONEMA, Water Utilities, Water Agencies and ADETEF).
The project had 3 main objectives:
R1: The existing legal, institutional and organisational framework of municipal water services is reviewed in the light of EU standards with a view to providing better services to users.
R2: Support for financial management of municipal water service sector is provided according to EU Standards.
R3: The legal framework of municipal water service is supplemented by additional reforms complying with EU standards.
• Evaluation of the gaps in Ukrainian legislation
• Proposals for improvements,
• Changes to legislation/procedures/ technical standards approved by MHME
• Support for implementation in Human Resources development and organizational framework, licensing, technical improvement, forecast of water uses, public participation, Customer management
• Analysis of the current legal framework for PPP in Ukraine (including Lugansk and Odessa PPP contracts) and recommendations to improve it
• Organisation of Seminars on PPP conditions for success
• Draft a water observatory model approved by MHME with relevant performance indicators and a specific software to administrate the data collected
• Support the National Commission of the State Public Utilities Regulation in the definition of a new tariff setting methodology and draft contract with users