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Study : Training needs of personnel of the water and sanitation sector - Algeria

Long title: 
Study : Training needs of personnel of the water and sanitation sector - Algeria
Name of client/Beneficiary: 
Ministry of Water Resources (MRE) of Algeria
Start Date : 
March, 2008
Completion Date : 
September, 2008
Funding organisation: 
Banque Mondiale
Description of the project: 

Algeria has been facing major challenges  related to water resource mobilization whereas the demand has been increasing over and over with the demographic evolution and the economic and social development. As a result, in parallel with the ambitious investment programme, the water resource sector has launched a modernisation move through an institutional and organisational reforming process of services.

In this context, the continuous training actions constitute a real accompanying lever of the development strategy of the sector, and concern all water and sanitation segments. Today, the training apparatus is composed of :

-    the training centres of ADE (Algérienne des Eaux)  and ONA (Office National de l’Assainissement), as well as INPE (Institut National de Perfectionnement de l’Equipement) which is in charge of the training of  the decentralized administration personnels of the 48 DHW  (Directions Hydrauliques de Wilayas).
-    the training structures of the MFEP (Ministère de la Formation et de l’Enseignement Professionnel) on the one side, and on the other side of MESRS  (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique) and in particular ENSH).

In view of defining strategic trends for enforcing its training apparatus, MRE has required the Study completed by IOWater.

Description of services provided by IOW: 

•    Determination of the scope of the study ; elaboration of investigation methods and tools
•    Analysis of the training needs of the sector (qualitatively and quantitatively) ;
•    Analysis of the existing national training disposal
•    Elaboration of ToR of a multi-year training plan.


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