Technical assistance and training sessions realisation for ICRC
Since several years, the Water and Habitation Service of Red Cross and International Office for Water have a solid collaboration in the field of training and technical expertises of water and waste water infrastructures
Each year, National Training Centre of IOWater welcomes a group of ICRC Engineers from all the world (Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Thailand, Guinea Conakry, Rwanda, Eritrea, Ivory Coast, Soudan …) for enhancing their abilities about “Diagnosis of drinking water infrastructures”.
In addition, each year, National Training Centre of IOWater realises some training sessions abroad (Burundi, RD Congo …) for beneficiaries of Red Cross such as :
Design and operation of drinking water supply networks (Burundi),
Operation of drinking water treatment plants (Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo …),
Maintenance of drinking treatment plants (Democratic Republic of Congo) …
Optimisation of energy consumption in water services. Production of alternative energy (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Operation and maintenance of pumping station (Guinea Conakry)
Hydraulic study of water network (Guinea Conakry)
Operation of drinking water treatment plants and analysis(Guinée Conakry) (2011)
Operation and maintenance of pumping station (Guinee Conakry) (2011)
Project of rehabilitation of surface water treatment plants in Bentiu and Rubkona (Soudan) (2012)
Maintenance of electric installations (Guinea Conakry) (2012)
Management of subscribers (Guinea Conakry) (2012)
Maintenance of water production plant and pumping station of SODECA, (Centrafrique) (2015)
Optimisation of drinking water network functioning, (Centrafrique) (2015)
Water meters, (Centrafrique) – (2016)
Electric maintenance of the equipment of water plant, (DRCongo) – (2017)
Operation of electro pump group and pumping station, (DRCongo) – (2017)
Pipe laying, (Centrafrique) - 2017
Operation of drinking water networks, (Centrafrique) - 2017
Pumping station and supply network, (France) - 2017
Each year, the National Training Centre of IOWater realises some technical expertises of water infrastructures in collaboration with Red Cross :
Diagnosis of waste water treatment plant for Mossul hospital complex,
Diagnosis of drinking water treatment plant for the N’Zérékoré town (300.000 inhabitants - Guinea Conakry),
Optimisation of drinking water treatment plants and supply of treated water for Goma, Kindu and Uvira (Democratic Republic of Congo). Evaluation of operator’s abilities.
Validation of the research methodology and data collection useful for modelling the neighbourhood of Cité Soleil (Haïti)
Diagnosis and modelling of drinking water networks (Kinshasa) (2011)
Analysis criticizes on the sector of waste water treatment of a detention center near Bichnek (Kirghizstan), (2013)
Evaluation of a sanitation design project in a detention context in Afghanistan
Diagnosis of two pumping stations and support mission for operation and maintenance (Democratic Republic of Congo) (2016)
Field analyse of a sanitation programme in a detention context in Panama – (2017)
- Tailored made training programmes;
- On-the-job practical training;
- Practical works;
- Training sessions
- Execution of methodologically sound technical, organisational, managerial, financial and operational training measures