Support to the implementation of an information system on water management in West Africa.
In the framework of the water management application policy at the level of the West African countries (Ouagadougou Declaration of 1998), the 15 country of the Economic community of West African States (ECOWAS) decided to develop a regional information system on water. After having carried out a feasibility study and an existing inventory of the existing information systems, the Regional Centre for the Coordination of the Water Resources of ECOWAS (CCRE) entrusted to OIEau the responsibility to create:
- the Web portal of the regional information system on Water for the sharing of general information
- a catalogue of the sources data for the inventory and the characterization of the information sources
- a database of the indicators allowing to analyse and to complete on line, the values of IWRM (integrated water resource management) indicators collected to date.
The Web portal of the regional information system is directely managed by the CCRE staff. It allows the diffusion of information multilingual (French/English) for submission to the public and divides it working papers between the various countries partners, the responsible authorities being able to consult and/or feed the various headings of the Web portal according to their rights of access and update.
The catalogue of the information sources, accessible via the Web portal, facilitates the identification of the existing data files while allowing each administrative producer/data to present the sets of available data to its level following their access rights.
The database allows the management of IWRM indicators, with functionalities allowing the capture, the consultation and valorisation of this database on line on maps tables and graphs, via the Web portal of the Regional information system. This base is fed with the data being in the tables of the reports of the water resources iinventoryn West Africa.
- Temporary provision of disk space on a server of IOWater with Internet connection.
- Installation of appropriate softwares for operating applications
- Installation and configuration of a metadata catalogue including in particular the configuration of database, of working groups, of users, of metadata models for capture
- The structuring and initial feeding of the database of indicator
- The development of specific tools for web mapping and data capture
- The organization of training courses via Skype to allow the 1st structuring of the Web portal and the addition of documents on the Web portal by the administrator..