Accounting and pricing, financial and technical audit of SEEG
In 1997, after an invitation to tender, the Gabonese Government entrusted the management of the Gabonese Water and Energy company (SEEG) to Veolia Water, which became the majority shareholder together with Gabonese investors. The conceded area covers most of urban and semi-urban areas of Gabon.
The 20-year Agreement covers drinking water and electricity production, transportation and distribution in the country, notably for the 3 main areas of Libreville, Port-Gentil and Franceville. The served population as a whole is over one million (over 500,000 in Libreville area).
The project led by Deloitte Conseil is to forward elements, data and recommendations enabling the review of the PPP contract at all levels: technical, legal, financial and organisational
IOWater experts realised the technical audit of the drinking water part of the contract, including the service performances and the following contractual commitments :
• Assets management, operation and maintenance
• Drinking water quality
• Frequency and pressure of the water delivery
• Renewal of the Assets
• Extension of the service to new customers
• Policy for power savings
• Updating of network maps
• Meter management