Integrated Water Resource Management in Colombia – Phase 3
Phase 3 of the institutional support project for the implementation of the national policy on IWRM in Colombia builds on the results achieved during Phase 2 (2016-2018) and is organized around four main components:
- Monitoring and guidance with regard to the reformulation strategy of the National Policy on IWRM (PNGIRH) and its planning instruments, implemented by the MADS DGIRH.
- Support for the structuring of the Regional Autonomous Corporations (RACs) -pilot project in the COPPOBOYACA RAC- as well as the organization of their activities for the elaboration of the Strategic Plans by Macro-Basin (PEM), based on the principle of participatory consultation of stakeholders within the Regional Environmental Councils by Macro-Basin (CARMAC)
- Support for the structuring of basin councils and their activation for integrated water resource management at the hydrographical basin level.
- Support to the development of the Water Information System for integrated water resources management: capacity building of IDEAM to develop interoperability of water data at RAC level, for consolidation at national level.
1. Support for reformulation strategy of the PNGIRH by sharing French and European experiences, in order to better take into account the challenges of adapting to climate change and ensuring that the national policy is in line with the sustainable development objectives (SDO). The suggested leverage actions are as follows:
- articulation and simplification of the planning instruments associated with the PNGIRH: give new weight to the 5 Strategic Plans on each Great Basin (PEM) as well as to the consultation process of the CARMAC stakeholders, allowing to define the main orientations of the National Policy for IWRM, the monitoring and evaluation of which will imply the competence of the National Water Council - NWC - (a Council in which IDEAM, in charge of the water data and knowledge management, and UNGRD, in charge of the risk management, would gain by being permanently represented)
- prioritisation of issues associated with water security: groundwater monitoring and protection tools, protection of catchment areas, consumer awareness-raising (agriculture, industry)
- development of sustainable financial mechanisms thanks to feedback on the Water Fund initiatives - example of the EcoCuencas programme - on the one hand, and payments for environmental services - example of PSA's Cuenca Verde to combat the degradation of dams - on the other hand: these are all incentive tools to change practices.
2. Specific recommendations for groundwater management and monitoring:
- quantitative aspects: strengthening of control mechanisms on water extraction / water policing
- qualitative aspects: methodological guide for the delimitation of protection zones for water catchment areas
3. Sharing of French and European experiences on treated wastewater reuse systems
4. Production of a general technical memorandum of the activities carried out annually by IOWater (activity reports format) since the beginning of the MADS-IOWater-SENAGUA cooperation; adaptation of the communication formats to promote the products of the cooperation with partners.