THAILAND - Audit of Waste Water Treatment Plant
The industrial WWTP is operated by teams established by the builder (SIEMENS). The WWTP went through dysfunctions the first years. However, adjustments have been done and unabled to have very good results concerning rejection quality during 2015. Early 2016, and especially in March, tests were achieved on the production site, using new products that certainly caused the dysfunctions noticed in March. After rising of classical parameters (MES, DCO, DBO5), nitrogen treatment caused many difficulties and the situation was finally restored in mid-May.
Facing this statement, International Office for Water (IOWater) is appealed in order to help MICHELIN group to identify the dysfunctions causes. More precisely, we are asked to :
- Identify the cause or causes liable for bad datas on treated water, especially about nitrogen after clarification and suggest improvement solutions ;
- Give an technical opinion out of any equipments or reagents deals, on this WWTP operational conditions ;
- Suggest, if need be, improvement on the unit operation practices, beyond the problem of high rates of nitrogen rejection. Working in the presence of the operator is an interesting opportunity to assess strict fully the possible needs in training issue. We suggest to integrate this section into our analysis according our know-how.
The different steps of the project was the following:
- - Analyse and synthesis of the given datas
- - Meeting in Clermont Ferrand : conclusions and recommendations
- - On-site analyse
- - final meeting: conclusions and recommendations