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UWWTD-SIIF - towards a new information system for the Urban waste water treatment Directive (91/271/EEC)

Long title: 
The UWWTD SIIF, an integrated platform for assessing UWWTD compliance and disseminate the information on municipal waste water treatment of each of the 28 european countries (multi-annual project (2013-2020)
Guyane française
Clarification on the localization: 
European Union
Name of client/Beneficiary: 
Directorate General Environment
Start Date : 
December, 2012
Completion Date : 
September, 2020
Funding organisation: 
Union Européenne
Name of Associated partners if any: 
UBA, Vito, IzVRS, Ramboll
Description of the project: 

This project has developed along 4 successive contracts in support of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EC) implementation and had following key objectives:

  • Technical support to assess the legal compliance of the implementation by EU-MS of the UWWTD to prepare the 8th, 9th and 10th European UWWTD implementation report
  • Development of a modern information system on compliance, an online system for each of the 28 EU Member States, i.e. national UWWTD SIIF platform allowing assessment of compliance to the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EC).

This project originate in a communication from the Commission requiring the development of a modern information system for water data called Structure Implementation and Information Framework (SIIF) identifying the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271//EC) - UWWTD as the right Directive to start implementation of SIIF.

It started with the production of a concept paper on what a UWWTD SIIF can be from a thematic and an IT perspective. The document comprises a summary concept paper and two annexes for the thematic and the IT aspects.

Based on this concept paper, a prototype of a national UWWTD SIIF platform was developed and progressively improved along the three contracts and in the last contract deployed on all the 28 European Member States. The platform allows import the official reported datasets and visualise their content on maps, tables and graphs. It also includes a set of algorithms translating the Directive compliance rules in a set of calculations and used to calculate the compliance by agglomeration. It includes as well a calculation tool to produce an Excel file used for assessing the country situation as regards the Directive implementation.

In parallel, the 8th implementation report (on 2012 reported data) was prepared manually by gathering the official datasets and producing an excel file synthesizing the country situation as regards its UWWTD implementation and its investment programme.

With the 9th reporting, the UWWTD SIIF platforms have been deployed on all countries and used as support to conduct the assessment. The platform for the European level is accessible at and allows access to the 28 national platforms. With the 10th reporting, the functionalities of the UWWTD SIIF platforms have been extended and also used as support to conduct the 10th assessment.

Description of services provided by IOW: 

OIEau has developed from the beginning the UWWTD SIIF platform, largely contributed to the concept paper and lead and conducted the complete development of the 9th implementation report with contribution from partners. For the 10th implementation report, OIEau was associated with an other partner and conducted the entire 10th implementation report preparation. Significant enhancement have been impelmented to the document to make it more user friendly, with 15 tables and 39 figures in the main report, and a chapter of 30 pages for each individual Member State.

The platform received in 2016 an international award from Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

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